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①思想道德修养与法律基础 Ideological & Moral Cultivation and Fundamentals of Law 3
(ideological adj.思想的;意识形态的)
(fundamental adj. 基本的,根本的 n. 基本原理;基本原则)
②大学英语(三) College English(Ⅲ) 3.5
③高等数学A(一) Higher Mathematics A(Ⅰ) 5.5
(mathematic adj. 数学的;精确的 mathematics n.数学(即math的全称))
④工程制图 Engineering Drawing 3.5
(drawing n. 图画;牵引;素描)
⑤军事理论 Military Theory 2
⑥大学计算机基础A Fundamentals of Computers A 3
⑦体育(一) Public Physical Education (Ⅰ) 2
⑧军训 Military Training 3
①中国近现代史纲要 Outline of Modern Chinese History 2
(outline n. 轮廓;概要 vt. 描画…轮廓)
②大学英语(四) College English(Ⅳ) 3.5
③高等数学A(二) Higher Mathematics A(II) 5.5
④线性代数 Linear Algebra 2.5
(linear/lɪnɪə/ adj. 线型的;直线的)
(algebra/ældʒɪbrə/ n. 代数学)
⑤程序设计技术基础(C语言) Foundation of Program Design(C) 3
⑥电气工程概论 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 2
⑦大学物理A(一) College Physics A(Ⅰ) 3.5
⑧体育(二) Public Physical Education(Ⅱ) 2
⑨金工实习C metalworking Practice C 2
(metalworking n.金属制造 metalwork n.金属制品)
①马克思主义基本原理 The Fundamental Principles of Marxism 3
(marxism/ma:ksizəm/ n.马克思主义 Marx/ma:ks/ n.马克思)
②概率论与数理统计B Probability and Statistics B 3
(probability n. 可能性;概率)
(statistic adj.统计的;统计学的)
③复变函数C Functions of a Complex Variable C 2
(functionn n.功能;[数] 函数)
④电路理论A(一) Theory of Electric Circuits A(Ⅰ) 4.5
⑤大学物理A(二) College Physics A(Ⅱ) 4
⑥工程英语【自选】 Engineering English 2
⑦英汉文化翻译实践【自选】 English-Chinese Culture Translation & Practice 2
(england n. 英格兰 english adj. 英文的;英国的;英国人的 n.英格兰人;英语)
⑧汽车工程概论【自选】 Automotive Engineering Introduction 2
⑨物理实验A(一) Physics Experiments A(Ⅰ) 2
⑩体育(三) Public Physical Education(Ⅲ) 2
⑪安全教育【尔雅】 Safety Education 2
①计算方法 Computational Method 2.5
(computation n.计算 computational adj.计算的)
②数字电子技术D Digital Electronics D 4
③电路理论A(二) Theory of Electric Circuits A(Ⅱ) 4
④毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论(一) The General Analysis of Maoism and Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics(Ⅰ) 2
(Maoism/mauizəm/ n.毛泽东主义)
(socialism /səʊʃəlɪz(ə)m/ n.社会主义 socialist/səʊʃəlɪst/ n. 社会主义者 adj. 社会主义的)
(character n. 性格;品质;特性;角色)
⑤电磁场理论 Theory of Electromagnetic Fields 2.5
(electromagnetic/ɪ,lektrə(ʊ)mægnetɪk/ adj.电磁的)
⑥模拟电子技术E Analog Electronics E 4.5
(***electronic adj. 电子的 n. 电子电路 electrical adj. 电力的;有关电的***)
⑦物理实验A(二) Physics Experiments A(Ⅱ) 2
⑧图像数码处理技术基础【自选】 Fundamentals of Image Digital Processing Technology 2
⑨英汉文化翻译实践2【自选】 Translation of Chinese and Englishi Culuture(2) 2
⑩体育(四) Public Physical Education(Ⅳ) 2
⑪化学与人类【尔雅】 Chemistry and Human 2
⑫大学生心理健康教育【尔雅】 The Mental Health Education of College Students 2
①电力系统基础 Foundation for Electrical Power Systems 3.5
②电力电子技术A Power Electronic Technology A 4.5
③自动控制理论D Theory of Automatic Controls D 3
④电机学 Electromechanics 5
(mechanic n.机修工 mechanics n.机械学(用作单数);力学(用作单数))
⑤信号分析与处理 Signal Analysis and Processing 2.5
⑥毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论(二) The General Analysis of Maoism and Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics(Ⅱ) 2
⑦电力电子技术课程设计 Curriculum Design of Power Electronic Technology 2
(curriculum/kərɪkjʊləm/ n.课程(curricula/kərɪkjʊlə/为其复数))
⑧电力系统基础课程设计 Curriculum Design of Foundation for Electrical Power System 2
⑨思想政治理论综合实践课 Comprehensive Practice of Ideological and Political Theory 3
(comprehensive/kɒmprɪhensɪv/综合的;广泛的 comprehension/kɒmprɪhenʃ(ə)n/理解;理解力)
⑩电子工艺教学实习 Practice of Electronic Technology 2
⑪电气工程及其自动化专业生产实习 Graduation Practice for Electrical Engineering and Automation 1
①形势与政策 Situation and Policy 2
②单片机原理与接口技术 Principle of Single-chip Microcomputer and Interface Technology 3.5
(principle n. 原理;原则)
③电力拖动与控制 Electrical Drive and Control 3
④电气测量技术 Electric Measure Technology 3
⑤现代控制理论B Modern Control Theory B 2
⑥电力电子装置及系统 Power Electronic Equipment and System 3
⑦电气安全技术 Technology of Electrical Safety 2.5
⑧微机控制基础 Foundation on Microcomputer Control 2.5
⑨控制电机 Electrical Machine on Control 3
⑩电气设计软件基础(VB) Software Design Foundation on Electrical Engineering (VB) 2
⑪单片机原理与接口技术课程设计 Curriculum Design of Principle of Single-chip Microcomputer and Interface Technology 2
⑫电力电子装置及系统课程设计 Curriculum Design of Power Electronic Equipment and System 1
⑬电气工程及其自动化实训教学 Training Teaching of Electrical Engineering and Automation 1
①DSP原理与应用技术 DSP Principle and Application Technology 2
②电磁兼容技术 Electromagnetic Compatibility Technology 2
(compatibility n.兼容性 compatible adj.相容的;意趣相投的)
③逻辑顺序控制技术 Technology for Programmable Logical Controller 2.5
④计算机控制系统 Computer Control System 3
⑤新能源电力电子变换技术 Transformation Technology of Power Electronic in New energy 2
⑥电气工程及其自动化专业外语 Specialized English for Electrical Engineering and Automation 2
⑦智能控制技术 Technology of Intelligent Control 2
⑧电力拖动自动控制系统 Automatic Control System on Electric Drive 4
⑨电力拖动自动控制系统课程设计 Curriculum Design of Automatic Control System on Electric Drive 2